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The Untersberg massif is located in the Berchtesgaden Alps. One half of it is situated in Germany and the other half is in Austria. The Untersberg can be clearly seen from Salzburg. That is why it is known as one of its symbols and is very popular among the tourists.
Because of the easy access the Untersberg is a wonderful place to meet the nature of the Northern Limestone Alps.
There are paths leading from the Untersbergbahn top station to peaks Geiereck (1805 meters) and Hochthron (1856 meters). From the top you can see wonderful views of the city of Salzburg and the valley of the Salzach river.
Since the XVII century there was a marble production at the Untersberg. This marble was further used for decoration of the most prominent buildings in Salzburg such as the famous Salzburg cathedral.
Marble from the Untersberg mountain was used for making marble balls, popular children's toys, as well as for ships' ballast. In the late XIX century there were 40 water driven grinding mills in the valley of the Almbah river. But nowadays there is only one remain for tourists.
Several legends are associated with the Untersberg mountains. One of them is about the king sleeping at the stone table under the mountain and waiting for his time to come. King's beard is growing and is winding round the table. When it makes the third turn the last battle between the good and the evil will start. And then the happiness will come to everyone.