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Start marking places as "Been Here" to see how many countries you have visited

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Start marking places as "Been Here" to see how many cities you have visited

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Start marking places as "Been Here" to count how many you have visited

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Add your travel routes itineraries to count them all

Add Route
1. To compile the history of your travels: the map of the world, statistics, photos. 2. To find new interesting places, save them, make new routes out of them. 3. Instead of social networks or as a powerful touristic addition to them. -

Why do you need aroundcard?

1. To compile the history of your travels: the map of the world, statistics, photos.

2. To find new interesting places, save them, make new routes out of them.

3. Instead of social networks or as a powerful touristic addition to them.

1. Collect the map, statistics, photos.

Travel map

Making up your personal map of travels has never been so simple. You just need to click “Been here” for the place you already visited, to add its mark on the map of travels in your profile. If the place is not there yet – you can add it by yourself.

Travel statistics

Your personal statistics of travels will be formed automatically for you, based on the marks “Been here”, which you put on the site. The statistics includes countries, cities, and places, divided into types. In that way, you will be able to learn, for example, how many German castles you visited.

Travel photos

You still keep your travel photos in archives, because they are so many files, and it is not convenient to deal with them? It is convenient to upload and manage them on our website. You and your friends will have an access to your photos at any moment, using the catalog, search by tags, countries, cities or map.

2. Save places, make up routes

Find places

Get inspirations for new travels, learning about new interesting places. For that, you can search on the map, by the country, city, or tags – by associated events or historical personalities. It is even possible to search using several tags and on the map simultaneously.

Save places

How do you save information about new interesting places? Saving bookmarks, saving images, writing down names? All this is disunited and gets lost inevitably? … Now you can gather it all here, in a single place, on a single map. Just click “Want to visit” near the place name.

Make up routes

Creating new routes for travels has never been so simple. Add places to the list, divide them into days, add information about movements – walking, driving, air flights. And all this will automatically be reflected on the map, counting distance and expenses.

3. With or without social networks

The problem of social networks

Popular social networks were created to exchange information, which is mainly simple, and its importance is ranked purely according to the time of appearance. This is absolutely unsuitable for the touristic content, for which the quality of information is much more crucial than the time of its appearance.

The solution to the problem

Is the situation familiar to you, when you take “too many” photos while travelling, and sharing all of them in social networks becomes “uncomfortable”? With us, it is comfortable! All photos get distributed to their places, and the more they are, the more thankful our readers-tourists will be.

Flexible data

Using the export function, you can make a travel widget with your travel map and statistics for the external website. Or you can export your aroundcard data as an image for Facebook or Instagram. Or if you have a travel itinerary, you can export its map, also as a code or an image.




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